Settings > Inventory
The Inventory section of Setting allows you to customize your Inventory app.
Each setting within Inventory has its own permission associated with it. If a user has one of the below permissions assigned to their user record, they will be able to view and interact with that particular setting. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.
The following are all the Inventory Settings permissions presented in the order the configurations appear in the Settings app:
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete alternative title type. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete alternative title types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete classification identifier types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete identifier types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete contributor types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete contributor types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete formats. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete formats.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete instance note types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance status types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete instance status types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined modes of issuance. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete modes of issuance.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete nature of content. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete natures of content.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete resource identifier types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete resource identifier types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined resource types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete locally defined resource types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings note types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings sources. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings sources.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete holdings types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete ILL policies. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete ILL policies.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete item note types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete item note types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete loan types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete loan types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete material types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete material types.
- Settings (Inventory): Edit fast add settings. This permission allows the user to edit fast add settings.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit and delete HRID handling. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete HRID handlings.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical code types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete statistical code types.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical codes. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete statistical codes.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete URL relationships. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete URL relationships.
- Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete call number types. This permission allows the user to create, read, update, and delete call number types.
- Settings (Inventory): Display list of settings pages. This permission allows the user to view the list of settings for the Inventory app.
Settings > Inventory > Alternative title types
Use this setting to create and manage alternative title types. Alternative titles types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add an alternative title to an instance record. FOLIO provides alternative title types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating an alternative title type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Alternative title type is saved.
Editing an alternative title type
- Find the alternative title type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Alternative title type is saved.
Deleting an alternative title type
- Find the alternative title type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Alternative title type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Alternative title type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Classification identifier types
Use this setting to create and manage classification identifier types. Classification identifier types appear in the Classification identifier type drop-down list when you add a classification to an instance record. FOLIO provides identifier types by default, but the default values cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local identifier types.
Creating a classification identifier type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Classification identifier type is saved.
Editing a classification identifier type
Note: You can only edit local classification identifier types. Default FOLIO identifier types cannot be edited.
- Find the classification identifier type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Classification identifier type is saved.
Deleting a classification identifier type
Note: You can only delete local classification identifier types. Default FOLIO identifier types cannot be deleted.
- Find the classification identifier type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Classification identifier type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Classification identifier type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Contributor types
Use this setting to create and manage contributor types. Contributor types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add a contributor to an instance record. FOLIO provides MARC relator terms by default, but the relator terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local contributor types.
Creating a contributor type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Enter a code in the box.
- Click Save. The Contributor type is saved.
Editing a contributor type
Note: You can only edit local Contributor types. Default MARC relator types cannot be edited.
- Find the contributor type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name or code.
- Click Save. The Contributor type is saved.
Deleting a contributor type
Note: You can only delete local Contributor types. Default MARC relator types cannot be deleted.
- Find the contributor type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Contributor type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Contributor type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Formats
Use this setting to create and manage formats. Formats appear in the Format drop-down list when you add a format to an instance record. FOLIO provides RDA media/carrier terms by default, and the default terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local formats. Format also appears as an instance search filter.
Creating a format
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Enter a code in the box.
- Click Save. The Format is saved.
Editing a format
Note: You can only edit local Formats. Default RDA media/carrier formats cannot be edited.
- Find the format you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name or code.
- Click Save. The Format is saved.
Deleting a format
Note: You can only delete local Formats. Default RDA media/carrier formats cannot be deleted.
- Find the format you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Format dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Format is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Instance note types
Use this setting to create and manage instance note types. Instance note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to an instance record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating an instance note type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Instance note type is saved.
Editing an instance note type
- Find the instance note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Instance note type is saved.
Deleting an instance note type
- Find the instance note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Instance note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Instance note type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Instance status types
Use this setting to create and manage instance status types. Instance status types appear in the Instance status term drop-down list in the Administrative data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides status types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating an instance status type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Enter a code in the box.
- Click Save. The Instance status type is saved.
Editing an instance status type
- Find the instance status type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name or Code.
- Click Save. The Instance status type is saved.
Deleting an instance status type
- Find the instance status type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Instance status type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Instance status type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Modes of issuance
Use this setting to create and manage modes of issuance. Modes of issuance appear in the Mode of issuance drop-down list in the Administrative data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides some modes of issuance by default, and the default modes of issuance cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local modes of issuance. Mode of issuance also appears as an instance search filter.
Creating a mode of issuance
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Mode of issuance is saved.
Editing a mode of issuance
Note: You can only edit local and FOLIO Modes of issuance. Default Modes of issuances cannot be edited.
- Find the mode of issuance you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Mode of issuance is saved.
Deleting a mode of issuance
Note: You can only delete local and FOLIO Modes of issuance. Default Modes of issuances cannot be deleted.
- Find the mode of issuance you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Mode of issuance dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Mode of issuance is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Nature of content
Use this setting to create and manage nature of content terms. Nature of content terms appear in the Nature of content term drop-down list when you add a nature of content to an instance record. FOLIO provides nature of content terms by default, and the default terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local nature of content terms. Nature of content also appears as an instance search filter.
Creating a nature of content
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Nature of content is saved.
Editing a nature of content
Note: You can only edit local Nature of contents. Default FOLIO Nature of contents cannot be edited.
- Find the nature of content you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Nature of content is saved.
Deleting a nature of content
Note: You can only delete local Nature of contents. Default Nature of contents cannot be deleted.
- Find the nature of content you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Nature of content term dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Nature of content is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Resource identifier types
Use this setting to create and manage resource identifier types. Resource identifier types appear in the Type drop-down list when you add an identifier to an instance record. FOLIO provides identifier types by default, and the default identifier types cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local identifier types.
Creating a resource identifier type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Resource identifier type is saved.
Editing a resource identifier type
Note: You can only edit local Resource identifier types. Default FOLIO Resource identifier types cannot be edited.
- Find the resource identifier type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Resource identifier type is saved.
Deleting a resource identifier type
Note: You can only delete local Resource identifier types. Default FOLIO Resource identifier types cannot be deleted.
- Find the resource identifier type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Resource identifier type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Resource identifier type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Resource types
Use this setting to create and manage resource types. Resource types appear in the Resource type drop-down list in the Descriptive data section of an instance record. FOLIO provides RDA content terms by default, and the default content terms cannot be edited or deleted. However, you can add your own local resource types. Resource type also appears as an instance search filter.
Creating a resource type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Enter a Code in the box.
- Click Save. The Resource type is saved.
Editing a resource type
Note: You can only edit local Resource types. Default RDA content types cannot be edited.
- Find the resource type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name or Code.
- Click Save. The Resource type is saved.
Deleting a resource type
Note: You can only delete local Resource types. Default RDA content types cannot be deleted.
- Find the resource type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Resource type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Resource type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Holdings note types
Use this setting to create and manage holdings note types. Instance note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to a holdings record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating a holdings note type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Holdings note type is saved.
Editing a holdings note type
- Find the holdings note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Holdings note type is saved.
Deleting a holdings note type
- Find the holdings note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Holdings note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings note type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Holdings sources
Use this setting to create and manage holdings sources. Holdings source appears in the Administrative Data section of the Holdings record and is system supplied on record creation. FOLIO provides holdings sources by default, which cannot be edited or deleted. New sources can be added and edited
Creating a holdings source
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Holdings source is saved.
Editing a holdings source
- Find the holdings source you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Holdings source is saved.
You can only edit local Holdings sources. Default sources cannot be edited.
Deleting a holdings source
- Find the holdings source you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Holdings source dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings source is deleted.
You can only delete local Holdings sources. Default sources cannot be deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Holdings types
Use this setting to create and manage holdings types. Holdings types appear in the Holdings type drop-down list in the Administrative data section of a holdings record. FOLIO provides holdings types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating a holdings type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Holdings type is saved.
Editing a holdings type
- Find the holdings type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Holdings type is saved.
Deleting a holdings type
- Find the holdings type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Holdings type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Holdings type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > ILL policy
Use this setting to create and manage ILL policies. ILL policies appear in the ILL policy drop-down list in the Holdings details section of a holdings record. FOLIO provides ILL policies by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating an ILL policy
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The ILL policy is saved.
Editing an ILL policy
- Find the ILL policy you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The ILL policy is saved.
Deleting a holdings type
- Find the ILL policy you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete ILL policy dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the ILL policy is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Item note types
Use this setting to create and manage item note types. Item note types appear in the Note type drop-down list when you add a note to an item record. FOLIO provides note types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating an item note type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Item note type is saved.
Editing an item note type
- Find the item note type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Item note type is saved.
Deleting an item note type
- Find the item note type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Item note type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Item note type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Loan types
Use this setting to create and manage loan types. Loan types appear in the Permanent loan type and Temporary loan type drop-down lists in the Loan and availability section of an item record. FOLIO provides loan types by default, which can be edited or deleted. Loan types are also used in Circulation rules.
Creating a loan type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Loan type is saved.
Editing a loan type
- Find the loan type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Loan type is saved.
Deleting a loan type
- Find the loan type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Loan type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Loan type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Material types
Use this setting to create and manage material types. Material types appear in the Material type drop-down list in the Item data section of an item record. FOLIO provides material types by default, which can be edited or deleted. Material types are also used in Circulation rules and appear as an item search filter.
Creating a material type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Material type is saved.
Editing a loan type
- Find the material type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Material type is saved.
Deleting a material type
- Find the material type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Material type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Material type is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Fast add
Use this setting to customize your Fast add default instance status and whether or not Fast add records are suppressed from discovery by default.
Default instance status
Select from the Default instance status drop-down list the instance status you want applied to every instance record created using Fast add:
- Other
- Cataloged
- Uncataloged
- Temporary
- Not yet assigned
- Batch Loaded
Suppress from discovery
Select “Yes” to keep records created using Fast add suppressed from discovery by default. Select “No” to make records created using Fass add not suppressed from discovery by default. The default suppression value can be overridden by the user when the record is being created.
Settings > Inventory > HRID handling
After initial data migration, new FOLIO HRIDs are assigned sequentially, based on the starting number in these settings. Unless changed or removed, the default prefix is assigned to new FOLIO HRIDs. HRIDs in existing FOLIO Inventory and MARC records cannot be changed.
Inventory instances and MARC bibliographic records
For instances
Inventory holdings and MARC holdings records
For holdings
Inventory item records
For items
Settings > Inventory > Statistical code types
Use this setting to create and manage statistical code types. Statistical code types appear in the Statistical code drop-down list when you add a statistical code to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides statistical codes by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating a statistical code type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Statistical code type is saved.
Editing a statistical code type
- Find the statistical code type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Statistical code type is saved.
Deleting a statistical code type
- Find the statistical code type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Statistical code type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Statistical code type is deleted.
Note: Statistical code types that are assigned to at least one Statistical code, cannot be deleted. The codes must first be assigned a different type or deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Statistical codes
Use this setting to create and manage statistical codes. Statistical code appear in the Statistical code drop-down list when you add a statistical code to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides statistical codes by default, which can be edited or deleted. A statistical code must be assigned a statistical code type.
Creating a statistical code
- Click New.
- Entier a Code in the box.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Select a Type from the menu.
- Click Save. The Statistical code is saved.
Editing a statistical code
- Find the statistical code you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name, Code, or Type.
- Click Save. The Statistical code is saved.
Deleting a statistical code
- Find the statistical code you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Statistical code dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Statistical code is deleted.
Note: The Settings will allow deletion of Statistical codes that have been assigned to records in Inventory. In this case the codes will be deleted from the records to which they were assigned.
Settings > Inventory > URL relationship
Use this setting to create and manage URL relationships. URL relationships appear in the Relationship drop-down list when you add electronic access to an instance, holdings, or item record. FOLIO provides URL relationships by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating a URL relationship
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The URL relationship is saved.
Editing a URL relationship
- Find the URL relationship you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The URL relationship is saved.
Deleting a URL relationship
- Find the URL relationship you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Statistical code dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the URL relationship is deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Call number types
Use this setting to create and manage call number types. Call number types appear in the Call number type drop-down list in the Location section of a holdings record and the Item data section of an item record. FOLIO provides call number types by default, which can be edited or deleted.
Creating a call number type
- Click New.
- Enter a Name in the box.
- Click Save. The Call number type is saved.
Editing a call number type
- Find the call number type you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Edit the Name.
- Click Save. The Call number type is saved.
Deleting a call number type
- Find the call number type you want to edit and click the delete icon.
- In the Delete Call number type dialog, click Delete. A confirmation message appears and the Call number type is deleted.
Note: Call number types that have at least one value assigned in Inventory cannot be deleted. The call numbers must first be assigned a different type or deleted.
Settings > Inventory > Integrations
Z39.50 target profiles
Targets created and enabled here will determine the available options for the single record import and overlay functionality in Inventory.
To create a new target
- Click New.
- Enter a Name for the target. This is the label that will appear in the import and overlay modal.
- Enter other information as needed for the target.
- Click Save & close.
To edit an existing target (including enabling or disabling the target)
- Click on the target Name.
- Click Edit.
- Change desired information.
- Click Save & close.